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Un regard critique et rétrospectif sur la Série The Wire à la suite de la mort de Freddie Gray et des émeutes à Baltimore, qui fait réfléchir.
Car les propos paternalistes et politiquement problématiques du réal et auteur sont choquantes.

Ça me rappelle tant de réactions après Clichy en 2005.

Déjà, concernant la complaisance de la série vis-à-vis des pratiques de la police, un autre article intéressant de 2011, sur l’évocation vite réglée de la corruption de la police:

Un extrait :
« The amount of cash lying around waiting to be found and pocketed by an opportunistic cop is shown to be considerable. But in reality, that is loose change, compared to the amounts of cash that can be made by a cop actively looking for it, a cop who is prepared to do business.

The Wire’s thesis that the prohibition on drugs has been a pernicious failure that causes infinitely more damage than it averts, did not fully explore the corrosive effect it has in corrupting the police, and not just the institution of police but the individual street police.

That little glimpse of Herc and Carver is, in reality, exactly what a lot of police do, every day. Most times there isn’t a wire. There’s no one looking, there’s just a couple of cops, a stash of money and a crook happy to get a pass. No biggie. They can make the cash back again, easy.

The Wire is, in so many respects, courageous and admirable in examining the fallout of the war on drugs that it comes as a surprise when they avert their gaze from the pervasive and poisonous affect of drug money in generating and sustaining systemic police corruption. »

Et sur le même site à propos de la place des femmes:

Problème qu’on avait déjà discuté.

Des réactions des habitants de Baltimore:

Dont une en particulier.
« What gets results? If I ask you something nicely 20 million times and you don’t do it and then I’m finally pissing your serious and you change, then what ever I did wasn’t wrong. It may have be disgusting, rude, hurtful, painful, but it wasn’t wrong if it brings about change. »

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